Gift wealth, not waste
Contribute as little as $15 to fuel their future dreams, not fill the local landfill. We’ll all thank you!

Add a loving message
Leave a personal video message or add a note the child will see when they're older.

Watch them grow, together
Ah, the gift of compounding! All contributions are automatically invested into an expertly-crafted portfolio.

Build financial freedom
At 18, the child will have the flexibility to use the funds to go to college, travel, buy a home, or even start a business!

What is EarlyBird?
EarlyBird is the most simple and meaningful way to save for your child's future with the love and support of family and friends.
📈 Expertly-crafted portfolios built for families
🚀 Flexible to fund any dream, not just college
💰 Celebrate milestones, earn bonus investments
🎁 Receive contributions from family and friends