Welcoming your baby into your life is a breathtaking experience, one that's peppered with so many precious moments that it feels like time stands still.
While the first breath, the first smile, and the first step are all memorable in their own right, there's something incredibly poignant about a baby's first words.
For a new parent, a syllable mumbled with all the might of those tiny vocal cords can ring with more value than any precious gem.
In this post, we'll tell you what to expect and when, as well as how to make the most of these important memories.

What Age Should Baby Say First Words?
Most babies utter their first word around their first birthday. However, this isn't a hard and fast rule. Some will startle you by forming coherent syllables far earlier, while others approach their second year of life in blissful silence.
The important thing to remember is that all babies develop at their own pace. The range is wide, but by 18 months, virtually all toddlers can say about ten words.
Often, "real" speech is preceded by other fascinating vocal developments such as babbling around 6 to 9 months and jargon (or pretend speech) between 9 and 18 months.
At one to three months, your baby starts to smile and make gurgling sounds, a sign of their social and vocal growth. At around two months, cooking adds a layer of expressiveness.
The award-winning moment arrives at eight to twelve months, where a clear "mama" or "dada" emerges as they develop the ability to imitate speech sounds transitions into actual words.
What Are the Most Common Baby First Words?
The first words your baby speaks are often the ones they hear most frequently. It’s no surprise that "mama" and "dada" are commonly amongst the first.
"Dada" and "mama" reign supreme as the quintessential first words, with "hi," "bye," "no," and "yes" following suit. These high-frequency words hold special significance. The child is not just naming, but also inviting or refusing, responding, or greeting. It's a tiny marvel of communication.
While these are the common first words, some babies take a more original route. Birds, toys, or even the family pet can become their first focus. Each new vocalization is a window into your child's budding personality and vast potential for language acquisition.

How Do Babies Learn Their First Words?
Language acquisition for babies is immersion learning at its purest form. They are natural sponges, soaking in everything from the tones and rhythms of conversations to the meaning behind your words. You can observe them observing you, forming an intricate map of language in their developing mind.
Here are some key strategies to foster their development:
Be Chatty
Babies are sponges for language. The more they hear, the more they learn. Talk to them, narrate your day, and explain things in simple language. This constant exposure is key to their language development.
Model Speech
Use real words when talking to your child. Mimic their babbling and encourage them to repeat sounds, pointing out the names of objects as you play. They learn through imitation and practice.
Encourage Baby to Respond
When your baby babbles, answer back as if having a conversation. This back-and-forth is the building block of communication. Make funny sounds and faces and exaggerate your speech. Anything to capture their attention and keep them engaged.
Stick to a Routine
Predictability is comforting for babies. Creating a routine around speaking activities like reading books or singing songs can help set the stage for learning.

Baby First Words: How to Preserve the Memories
These are memories you'll want to cherish for years to come. But in this whirlwind of 'firsts,' how can you ensure that you remember them all? Here are five simple recommendations to treasure your baby's language milestones:
1. Keep a Journal Dedicated to Their First Words
Jot down the date, location, and context of their first word in a dedicated journal. These notes will be priceless keepsakes, adding depth and flavor to your memories when you look back on them.
2. Record Their First Words in Audio or Video
Whenever possible, capture the first 'mama' or 'dada' on camera or tape. The ability to relive these moments through their voices is a unique joy.
3. Take Advantage of the 'EarlyBird' App for Language Milestones
Remembering the first time your baby says a word is a memory you’ll want to cherish forever. With EarlyBird, you can capture videos of these sweet moments and include them in their digital milestones timeline.
Plus, the ability to add photos and videos on EarlyBird can serve as a visual record of your child's growth. Look back at how much they've changed since they uttered their very first word.
Make their experience with EarlyBird unique and personal - you can share your own first words or those of family members as part of the story. Not only that, but grandparents and relatives can experience the joy of these first moments again and again by adding their own video clips and special messages in the app.
Capture Every Moment With EarlyBird
Every "mama" and "dada" is a small miracle, a colossal step in your child's intellectual and emotional development.
By using EarlyBird to document these early achievements, you're not just preserving words, but the essence of your child's voice, their story, and your bond. Celebrate this remarkable season and make sure that your child's legacy of language becomes a treasure that shines through the ages.
Remember each and every one of your baby's first baby words with EarlyBird – download today, and give your child a lifetime of memories to cherish.
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