It’s Giving Tuesday! Today is an extra special time to think about people, organizations, and movements in need.
Here at EarlyBird HQ, we like to think of every day as the perfect day to give, gift, and grow. We’ve put together a list to help you narrow down where to send your dollars this season and beyond.
How’d we choose who to include? Like EarlyBird, all of these groups are fighting for healthy families, excellent education, and accessibility.
Ancient Song
Doula services and birth advocacy
Ancient Song is a national birth justice organization working to eliminate maternal and infant mortality and morbidity among Black and Latinx people. They provide doula training and services, offer community education, and advocate for policy change to support reproductive and birth justice. Your contribution helps them pay their doulas so they can provide care in their communities to the people who need it most regardless of their ability to pay.

This is about humanity
Supporting separated & reunified families at the border
This Is About Humanity leads efforts in education, allyship, and advocacy regarding family separation and reunification at the border. Their trips to the border and their fiscal sponsorship fund help support individuals with essentials for living, access to legal services, mental wellness checkups, and other shelter projects.

Donors Choose
The most trusted classroom funding site for teachers
Donors Choose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need. Help students focus on learning by contributing crayons, books, cleaning supplies, tech, and more. With your support, we can be a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.

Loans for entrepreneurs doing amazing things
Kiva, the microlending non-profit, connects donors with underserved entrepreneurs and students. Loans as little as $25 can make a big impact in someone’s life and help you teach lessons about financial access to your little one!

Providing children living in poverty with basic necessities
Help families in need this season with Baby2Baby’s Family2Family program, which provides children living in poverty with basic necessities. You’ll make a big impact with immediate and necessary assistance to people facing poverty.

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